Originally Posted by Rita C
Tonight I reffed with two other female officials, friends. JV game.
We had a nice pregame, different in that we all participated, just one with the card to keep us on track.
We had a couple of varsity officials watching the game who said we officiated a great game. We had felt we did well but the affirmation was nice.
Even the loudmouth fan who usually keeps up a diatribe against the officials was quiet!
I felt like I really showed the official I really am tonight. It felt good.
And guys, this isn't meant to be any kind of put down. It's just so rare to have three women officials on a game, especially with all about the same level of experience and skill. It was a rare, fun experience. Most of the other women in the association live far enough away that it's rare we get to work together.
Glad you had a real good game! We have one female in our association so far and she does a great job. I specifically remember a GV last year 3 person, she was one of the reffs, at half time walking into the reff room, I said, " I can't believe they pay us for this, man this is a fun game!" I haven't said that once this year. A couple of great games can sure bolster ones attitude.