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Old Tue Feb 09, 2010, 11:31am
johnnyg08 johnnyg08 is offline
Stop staring at me swan.
Join Date: Jun 2006
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In the spirit of appears as though the rule does give us some latitude for what we might judge "minor" infractions to restrict a player to the dugout.

behavior in any manner not in accordance with the spirit of fair play

Other things that give us an opportunity to "restrict"

For discovery of an illegal player (2-36-3) on offense by an umpire or either team, that player shall be called out and restricted to the bench/dugout for the duration of the game.

An illegal player discovered on defense shall be restricted to the bench/dugout for the duration of the game.

A coach, player, substitute, attendant or other bench personnel shall not:

g. commit any unsportsmanlike act to include, but not limited to,

1. use of words or actions to incite or attempt to incite spectators

2. use of profanity, intimidation tactics, remarks reflecting unfavorably
upon any other person, or taunting or baiting. The NFHS disapproves of any form of taunting that is intended or designed to embarrass, ridicule or demean others under circumstances including race, reli- gion, gender or national origin.

3. use of any language intended to intimidate,

4. behavior in any manner not in accordance with the spirit of fair play;

5. be in live ball territory (excluding team’s bullpen area) during the opponent’s infield practice prior to the start of the game.

6. any member of the coaching staff who was not the head coach (or designee) in 3-2-4 leaves the vicinity of the dugout or coaching box to
dispute a judgment call by an umpire.

For violation of g (6), both the head coach and the offend-
ing coach shall be restricted to the dugout for the remainder of the game, or if the offense is judged severe enough, the umpire may eject the offender and
restrict or eject the head coach.

So it looks like based on my OP, the option we have is a "warn" then eject if we can't prove malicious contact if B/R steps on F3's foot that is in the proper place on 1B. It does not appear (as others pointed out, "thank you") that we have a "restrict to the dugout" option on this type of play.
It's like Deja Vu all over again

Last edited by johnnyg08; Tue Feb 09, 2010 at 11:34am.
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