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Old Mon Feb 08, 2010, 06:47pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by mbyron View Post
That's just it: A1 did NOT step away, but kept the pivot foot planted. That's part of A1's spot on the floor, and B1 entered it.

Your case is backwards, since it has A1 entering B1's space.

I think that there's room for A1 to screw up here, as I suggested originally. A1 is not entitled to do the splits, or to claim more than shoulder width space on the floor. But in many cases the responsibility for contact will be B1's (and that's not a very strong claim).
The real question is where is A1' space...over thier foot or over their torso (if not the same)? Several rules place limits on a players space such that a foot extended outside their shoulders is not legal (screening, block/charge, etc.). Why any different for a player with the ball?

If A1's space is over thier pivot foot, does that mean B1 can lean over A1's head/torso and not be guilty of a foul if A1 jumps? I don't think you can have it both ways. They don't get two areas of verticality. Either A1 owns the space above their feet (which one?) or above their torso. There is a lot of ink in favor of it being the latter.
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