I'm a Columbus guy and an ASA guy. I hate to say it but the local ASA group doesn't even have their own webpage.
There is a state ASA page, if that helps:
ASA Softball Home Page
There is a central Ohio page for the local high school (NFHS) umpire group. Since so many of the umpires also do ASA ball, there is usually some ASA info listed there (local meeting times and such). In the summer, they have updates about ASA tournaments.
HUB of Ohio Softball Umpires Association
Personally, I wish that the local "powers that be" would put together something ASA-specific. The internet can be such a great tool for reaching your umpires, posting rule interps, doing scheduling and getting information into the hands of the people that need it. It's kind of a shame that they aren't taking advantage of all the possibilities!