Originally posted by eventnyc
In my Association (Long Island, New York) one cannot move up in his second year. I admit, we do have a large amount of officials (over 200). Ratings for two years are evaluated and only the top 2% have a chance to move up. I am in my fourth year and have not moved up. I do expect that if I have a good year this year, I have a good chance for next year. IMHO, I feel that two years is too soon. I do however, wish you a lot of luck. What's the rush?
Well the reality is, some officials that talent early, others it takes them longer to develop. I think you cannot put year restrictions on people when some work much harder at it than others. Some officiate for 10 years and still do not get it. So if he has that opportunity and the evaluators feel that he is ready, then he is ready. I had a full schedule my second year and have not looked back since. But I do not think we can just put an arbitrary rule restriction and think it applies to everyone.