the reason most youth coaches and youth players don't know the rules are because of officials like you derock. try calling the right calls and see some of the reactions on these kids and coaches faces.( I didn't know thats a rule)most coaches and fans think nfl all the time, they don't know rules so officials have to know them. I know derock you'll say its not our job to teach the teams and coaches rules, youre right there, but it helps to show them the way.
I have been stopped a few times going into the locker room to get changed a few times by parents and coaches and you should see their faces when I say, wait right here I get the rule book and show you. when their wrong, they just shake their heads and say im sorry Mr. Official. haven't you ever had a coach or parent of a team ever say to you, LAST WEEK SO AND SO MADE THIS CALL AND HE WAS WRONG? I'm willing to bet anti ref would say he was wrong because he didn't use game sense, even thought he knew it was the right call by the rules.