Varsity guys never said anything to back their perspective. Just said, and I quote: "you guys screwed the pooch on that throw in call. Ball goes to A" Partner: "I don't think we did - what do you mean?" Them: "you just did, ha ha ha" out the door.
They were courtside when our game was over and we just passed them heading to dressing area.
The horn sounded because a substitute had approached the table after partner administered ball for throw-in. When they couldn't get in immediately they returned to bench as horn sounded. The timer was someone I have seen do several games to was not really new to the job. Player was not at table prior to giving ball for throw in. I saw partner look there before giving A1 the ball.
I feel good about the way we handled the situation and can't say I would do anything differently. I don't see this as an inadvertant whistle.
 When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!