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Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 06:22am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Uh,Nevada,isn't that exactly what Tony has been trying to tell you for the last coupla days?If A1 is OOB and A2 is in bounds,and they're both touching the ball,it's an OOB violation caused by A1.The ball touched a player(A2)in bounds legally,became alive,and then immediately became dead when it touched an OOB player(A1). That's using the exact same logic as you so ably stated above.
No, my logic and Tony's are different. He is trying to make the case as you outline above. Live ball, ball inbounds when A2 touches it, then ball OOB and dead because A1 is still touching it. My stance is very different.

I say the ball became live when it was at the disposal of the thrower, but that the ball MAINTAINED out-of-bounds status the entire time during this throw-in because when two players are touching the ball simultaneously and one of them is out-of-bounds the rules tell us that the ball is considered to be OOB. I'm saying that the ball was NEVER inbounds. A2 touching it doesn't give it inbounds status because A1 is still holding it at that time. Therefore, A1 cannot cause it to be OOB because it is already OOB during the throw-in, which, as I have been saying all along, hasn't ended yet.

Now if A2 were the only player touching the ball, then, yes, it becomes inbounds and the throw-in ends, but that is not what is happening here. See the difference?
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