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Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 05:25am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Here ya go BktBallRef...

Originally posted by BktBallRef

Here ya go Nevada!

A ball which touches a player or an official is the same as the ball touching the floor at that individual' s location.

So, if the ball touches the thrower's teammate, it is the same as touching the floor at the teammate's location. That means the ball has touched inbounds and is no different than if the thrower touched the ball to the floor inbounds. Isn't that a violation?

My comments are:
You have cited a rule which pertains to the ball touching only a single player. In the case we are discussing, the ball is simultaneously touching two players. Therefore, a more appropriate rule for you to be quoting would be 7-1-2 which tells us that the ball is out-of-bounds when it touches any player who is out-of-bounds. Since the thrower never released the ball, the ball has continuously maintained out-of-bounds status.
Also, 4-4-1 tells us that a ball which is touching more than one player is in the backcourt if any player touching it is in the backcourt.
Finally and probably most importantly, consider what you would call in the situation where A1 and B1 are both touching the ball and A1 is OOB and B1 is inbounds. Everyone on this board knows to call the ball out-of-bounds caused by A1.
So clearly if the ball is touching one player who is inbounds and one who is OOB, the rules tell us the ball is to be considered OOB. Hence, in the play we are discussing with the thrower still holding the ball and a teammate, who is inbounds, touching it, the ball is OOB.
PS BktBallRef, I do enjoy defending the challenges you are posing to my ruling.
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