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Old Tue Feb 02, 2010, 10:03am
dash_riprock dash_riprock is offline
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NCAA and OBR rules are the same: It is interference if a runner who has been put out "hinders or impedes any following play being made on a runner..." Both codes also state that continuing to run the bases, by itself, is not INT.

Therefore, in order for INT to occur, we need two things:

1) The retired runner must do something to interfere other than continue to run the bases.

2) The defense must be attempting a play on another runner (i.e., not the retired runner), and the retired runner must hinder or impede that play.

There is nothing in the rule about intent, although intentional interference is always against the rules.

I don't have a BRD, and I have thus far been unable to find an NCAA interp. on this issue. It is not addressed in either J/R or MLBUM, and maybe that's because they don't believe there is a need for an interpretation or clarification. The rule is pretty clear to me.
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