Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
No, it is inflationary posting. Much like that $49 room at Motel 5.9 that lists the daily room value on the back of the door as $159.
The phone, and everything else, is only worth what some sorry ******* is stu......willing to pay for it.
Anybody can afford to give you a 50% discount when the item is marked up 70-75% over cost. You really don't think retailers discount articles as much as advertise, do you? 
Of course not. And it's not 70-75%, it's often 100% or higher.
But hey, supply and demand. The supply is there, but the demand is REALLY high.
Personally, I don't mind what I spent at all. My wife and I don't have land lines, and these phones are, in my opinion, a bargain for what I get out of them.