Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
I didn't pay $600, guys. I paid $179. It's called subsidizing, and every carrier does it. That's why most carriers make you sign 2-year agreements, as the cost of your plan offsets the cost of the phone. If you try to buy the phone outright, that's how much it would cost.
Sheesh, you guys haven't heard about this?
No, it is inflationary posting. Much like that $49 room at Motel 5.9 that lists the daily room value on the back of the door as $159.
The phone, and everything else, is only worth what some sorry ******* is stu......willing to pay for it.
Anybody can afford to give you a 50% discount when the item is marked up 70-75% over cost. You really don't think retailers discount articles as much as advertise, do you?