Wow, a double-quadruple. Congrats on the winning record.
As far as the official getting beat down court. I agree he should go for the angle if he is not going to make it into position. However, he may have thought he was going to have an angle until it was too late to adjust. You're right he shouldn't constantly get beat down court. Maybe there was a reason; not feeling 100%, had to fire somebody at work (I had to do that to a single parent...sure was hard to get into the flow that night), up all night with a sick kid, etc. May want to cut him a little slack. I did something to my knee Saturday late in the last game. By the end of the game it hurt to stand, much less beat the players down court. Just took advantage of angles and did the best I could. If you haven't picked it up from the other post I have made...Saturday was not one of my best days.
By the way, start counting the mistakes in your favor and see if they even out with the ones against you.

Just kidding.