Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Different organizations have different opinions on whether an umpire should have the rulebook with him/her on the field. My understanding from blues on this board is that the NCAA requires it (please correct me if I'm wrong), while in ASA, it's frowned upon. Without going into a whole debate as to why one side is wrong or right, I'll just sum it up that both sides have merited arguments.
Then again, I do have the PDF version of the ASA rule book on my phone...
I was watching two small D1 schools from Texas last spring and there was an over 20 minute 'delay' when one of the coaches broke out the rule book for a thrown ball out of play and the placement of runners. It was really humorous though as even with all that, the three blues on the field still didn't 'get it right'
here is the play in question:
zero outs.
R2 one 1st, R1 on 2nd, B3 hits a ground ball to F6. F6 fields the batted ball, and steps on 3rd base forcing R1 out for the 1st out by 4 to 5 steps. F6 then throws the ball to F3, however the throw is low/wide, tipping off F6's glove, then into dead ball territory.
after a conference of the 3 blues, they awarded R2 home (and then the fire works commenced)
It was very clear that R2 had not reached 2nd base at the point of release of the throw from F6, but non of the blues knew for sure. The real problem though was that it didn't appear the coach understood the rule in the first place and was 'arguing' that because the ball was tipped, the dead ball award should be different. In the end, rule books were broke out by both coaches, the blues on the field still awarded R2 home. which they latter admitted to another umpire buddy of mine was the wrong call.