Originally Posted by Stevetheump
I don't have a problem with protests either. But, I emphasize to my fellow umpires that they must go on the field with a good "working knowledge" of the rules and if needed, go to the rulebook to get the correct interpretation. If they just "wing it," that ump could be back on the field to finish a game HE screwed up. I know that doesn't happen that often, but the possibility is there, nonetheless.
Different organizations have different opinions on whether an umpire should have the rulebook with him/her on the field. My understanding from blues on this board is that the NCAA requires it (please correct me if I'm wrong), while in ASA, it's frowned upon. Without going into a whole debate as to why one side is wrong or right, I'll just sum it up that both sides have merited arguments.
Then again, I do have the PDF version of the ASA rule book on my phone...