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Old Mon Feb 01, 2010, 05:34am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by shutupneff View Post
This one's been swimming around my head since 26 Year Gap's Hypotheyical becomes reality thread. Here's the sitch:

Team A has 10 team fouls, team B has 5. On a fast break, A1 is being defensed by B1 and B2 and attempts to pass to A2. B2 deflects the pass and the ball goes through the basket. However, A) B1 commits a foul on A1 during the pass attempt, B) B1 fouls A1 after the pass attempt but before the deflection, C) B1 fouls A1 after the pass has been deflected, D) A1 commits a foul on B1 after the pass but before the deflection, E) A1 fouls B1 after the deflection.

Are freethrows awarded in any the situations, and is the basket waived off in any?
No goal and no FTs in all cases.


1. NO GOAL: There is no goal in any of the cases if the foul occurs prior to the ball going through the basket. The ball was in flight due to a pass, not a try, so it becomes dead at the time of the foul. Therefore, no goal would be scored, if the foul preceded the goal.

2. NO FTs: Since the action is a pass, not a try, none of the fouls by Team B would be during the act of shooting. So no FTs could be awarded for fouling a shooter. Also Team B only has five team fouls, so any foul would only be the sixth of the half and the offended team would not be due bonus FTs. The fouls by Team A would be team control fouls as they occur during a pass between teammates, which is a time of team control. There are no FTs for team control fouls.
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