Originally Posted by Stevetheump
Seth - Same here with our Men's league. Most of them wear jewelry of one kind or another. Now, in ASA SP "jewelry don't play." We've discussed this at-length during our association meetings. We've come to the conclusion that players KNOW jewelry is prohibited and IF THEY CHOOSE to wear jewelry, then they accept the risk of injury. It is unfortunate, but you have to be "litigation conscious" these days when you take the field.
I had one 3 years ago. We're playing and the storm clouds are moving in. I saw a bolt of lightning and got the players off the field. We're in a delay and one player comes up to me and says: "Are you an umpire or a f**king weatherman?" I looked him straight in the eyes and said: "I am an umpire who is responsible for YOUR safety and as long as lightning is in the area, WE ARE NOT PLAYING. I probably should have ejected him for that comment, but I didn't. We ended up getting rained out.
While I agree a participant is responsible for themselves, ASA does NOT forbid jewelry in any game or level.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.