Thread: Referee play
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Old Thu Jan 28, 2010, 10:25am
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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This was typically run at the end of an offensive play; most often while the next batter had not yet reached the batter's box, and most often when no "between pitches" count had begun. It was intended to be treated as a continuation of the previous play; and I haven't seen it attempted between pitches since the emphasis on timing.

If you called time on this to sweep the plate in the NCAA, it is within your authority, but you could expect to wear the coach for a while, and then your coordinator. You might well lose that conference affiliation as well as being asked to not return to that school; we aren't expected or allowed to interject ourselves into a (ruled legitimate) play, either inadvertantly or to conscientiously object to the tactic.

I haven't researched current casebooks anew for these case plays; I am 99.9% certain that NFHS has not ruled differently, and 90% certain that ASA has not, either.
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