don't bother answering questions from coaches (asst. coach or otherwise) that were asked previously during the game. all you're doing is starting a conversation (aka "opening up a can of worms") that has no real benefit to you....if they REALLY want to know, they'll ask you again and you can answer then.
as for the post-game with your partner on the plays described above, here's my suggestion: "I don't know if you had a problem w/ team "x" last week or not, but either way - do not make those calls in my area again. i do not need your help. if there was a travel and a lane violation, i would have called it. best of luck. safe travels home".
much like the coach who is always yelling at officials and doesn't stay in the coaches box, if you never penalize it - he'll keep doing it. if you do not say anything at all to your partner, you can be assured that he'll do that again (either to you or someone else)...