3 man crews on 2 fields.
It doesn't matter what you call Aboselli, if its against them they will complain. If its against the other team they will cheer. However, if you throw too many flags you will not be received well by anyone even if they are legitimate calls. You will probably here a cry from the sideline "This ain't the NFL"..."Somebody needs to take his flag"...."Where'd these officials come from because we need to send them back"...."Let 'em Play!" By halftime one of the coaches will probably ask me to get you guys to ease up a little. [/B][/QUOTE]
Thats because you've been their pet ref officiating games fan stile and let them get away with this crap. Sounds like these coaches have you pretty much under their control .Your game sense and rules knowledge is based on Sunday in front of the TV stile of officiating and I bet they love it. If they'd had trained officials working games according to the rules who used their judgment based on those rules, theres no doubt in my mind that these incredibly difficult youth games and over demanding coaches youve told us about would be a hell of a lot less difficult to handle. If youve worked this league for as long as you say, Im sure theyre used to manipulating you to do their bidding. No wonder you make so much money. I bet they do love you. When does the coach pay you, before or after the game?