Originally Posted by asdf
Two team technicals and the team is ejected.
You should turn down any further games until you get a fundamental understanding of...
1) the rules
2) how to handle yourself professionally on and off the floor
3) no one cares that you are an official
It's not all about you. You aren't the show. Heck you shouldn't even be a side show.
Well said. Take heed ANYONE who constantly has problems with coaches, administrators, table crews, other officials, or fans. All of us have trouble now and again, but when it happens regularly, odds are there's a reason for it.
I actually told myself when I started 9 seasons ago that I would hang it up after two seasons if it was clear I wasn't a competent official. I wish more would say the same, or at least work at getting better, rather than taking the court with the attitude that they call a great game every night.