Tue Jan 26, 2010, 12:56am
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Originally Posted by Juulie Downs
I have no idea if this is the correct action or not, but it's a great story!
Association meeting tonight, friend told a great story. Varsity girls, two teams with a lot of bad blood in the past, neither team particularly good. Visiting cheerleaders standing just off the endline behind home team's basket, doing a special cheer during every free throw. Ref (my friend) told them twice not to do it, that it was illegal. Partner also told them once. One of the refs then went to the cheerleading coach and told them it wasn't legal. They still kept doing it. Middle of second quarter, H1 goes up for a shot, takes a solid foul from V1, both go to the floor. H1 comes up swinging, V1 is ready to answer, refs rush in with the T's, AND THE CHEERLEADERS START TAUNTING!! Refs go in with T, V Coach goes crazy and gets a T.
H shot a lot of free throws!
That was just in the first half -- 38 fouls...
Serves the cheerleaders right, they're suppose to inspire the team, not cause fights.
Did the cheerleaders get ejected?
"Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates"--Earvin "Magic" Johnson