Rule 9, Section 2
Touching a scrimmage kick
Article 2:
"First touching" is when a player of the kicking team touches a scrimmage kick that is beyond the line of scrimmage before it has been touched by a player of the receiving team beyond the line. If the ball is first touched by a player of the kicking team, it remains in play. First touching is a violation, and the receivers shall have the option of taking possession of the ball at the spot of first touching, provided no penalty is accepted on the play, or at the spot where the ball is dead. First touching does not offset a foul by the receivers.
Article 3:
A player of the kicking team, who has been out of bounds, may not touch or recover a scrimmage kick beyond the line of scrimmage until it has bene touched by a kicking team player who has not been out of bounds, or until it has been touched by a player of the receiving team beyond the line.
Note: If a player touches or recovers the ball before he has re-established himself inbounds, the ball is out-of-bounds at the spot of the touch, and there is no foul.
Penalty: For illegal touching of a scrimmage kick: Loss of five yards. If the illegal touching is inside the receiver's five-yard line, in addition to the other specified options, the receiving team may elect to take a touchback
And finally...
Rule 4, Section 8
Extension Of A Period Or A Half
Article 2:
At the election of the opponent, a period may be extended for one untimed down, if any of the following occurs during a down during which time in the period expires:
(c) If there is a foul by the offense, there shall be no extension of the period. If the foul occurs on the last play of the half, a score by the offense is not counted. However, the period may be extended for an untimed down, upon the request of the defense, if the offensive team's foul is for:
(1) illegal touching of a kick;
A.R. 4.13 Fourth-and-10 on A20. A punt is touched illegally by kicking team player A1 on the A45 who falls on the ball as time runs out in second half.
Ruling: One scrimmage down allowed, if desired, by the receivers from the A45. Untimed down as it was an illegal touch.
I missed this play, but my only guess would be the officials determined the ball was dead before the player touched it?
Cause from your description, if they threw the flag for illegal touching, then the penalty would be enforced and the period ended. From the looks of the official play-by-play, it looks like the officials changed the original spot from the 15 to the 16 yard line.
1-10-MIN 16 (15:00) The line of scrimmage
changed from the 15 to the 16 on the change of possession. 28-A.Peterson right guard to MIN 18 for 2 yards (41-R.Harper, 92-R.Ayodele).
Maybe the change was to reflect that the ball was declared dead before the illegal touching? I'm sure someone will come along and confirm or deny my suspicions.