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Old Sun Jan 24, 2010, 01:40am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BBallEvaluator View Post
A has the ball for throw-in along their endline underneath the basket. A1 throws the ball to A2 who is positioned above the 3 point arc. A2 receives the pass but muffs it and the ball deflects off his arm into the back court. A2 is the first person to retrieve the ball in the back court.

The official calls a back court violation and the coach whose team it was called on argues that possession was never established. The official explains to the coach that the ball legally contacted the Team A in A's frontcourt.

Is the coach correct since this is a throw-in and possession had not been established?
The coach is correct. The official was wrong.
The ball merely contacting a Team A player in this case is not enough to establish player and team control. The ball must be caught and held or dribbled.
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