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Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 12:17pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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Ref Daddy asks?
where are WE protected?

Just because we put on the stripes does not mean we forfeit our rights to have laws enforced. We do not sign away our rights not to sue when we step out on the court.

So depending on jurisdiction you could sue for negligence if you broke ankle.. ( of course there are only 10,000 variables here, including possible governmental immunity issues) You could sue parents who threaten for assault ( of course there are tons of variables here as well but it can be a remedy) If you were injured by a player on the floor, My guess that you are out of luck because we assume the risk of being on the floor ( unless of course the player took intentional action against us like taking a swing... or connecting)

The law is blind to the color of shirt we wear... Although a lot of referees are more blind than the law

The above is not intended as legal advice. Seek professional legal help in your jurisdiction...

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