Originally Posted by strike4
Is it appropriate to ask for an opinion on a question on the exam? If so, here is the question.
35. B1 has an altered bat that is detected by the plate umpire before B1 enters the batter's box. What is the ruling?
a) B1 is called out.
b) B1 is disqualified.
c) B1 is ejected.
d) The bat is removed from the game as a preventative measure. No other penalty.
Reference 2010 ASA Umpire Manual, Rule 7-6-B.
I think both a and c are correct answers to the question. Rule 7-6 says the batter is out. The effect on 7-6-B says the batter shall be ejected from the game, and if in a tournament, shall be ejected for the remainder of the tournament.
I think what they are looking for is c since it is defined in rule 7-6-B. This may cause some umpires to miss the question.
Let the fun begin!!!!
That is the rule, but you need to re-read it. The key is in the first 7 words of that particular section.
I'm not giving the answer, per se. You've already found it and announced it. It's up to you to come up with the correct interpretation.
I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!
Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!
I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.