Originally Posted by mcdanrd
At the end of the first quarter the scoreboard and the hometeam book both had 12-8, the visiting team book had 8-12 and the official book had 10-10. just by the way the game had gone I was surprised, at the end of the first quarter, that the home team was up. All three books could support the scores with the running score. The home team book was being kept by a frumpy high school kid, the visiting team book was being kept by Billy Bubba in a John Deere cap, The clock/scoreboard was being run by a teacher whom, until the night before, had never done it, and the official book was being kept by a midle aged woman who appeared alert and intelligent. That's what I had to go on.
I gotta go with the middle aged woman who appeared alert and intelligent!!
Oh, and how convenient, she's the official book!
Although it's clearly NOT the only criterion, I think there's some value in at least considering where profiling/personalityreading/stereotyping might lead. Official book is the rule, and that person seems to be the most alert and intelligent, wise and observant, So we're just gonna go with it. She might have been chosen for that job because she IS bright and alert and wise.
It would be even better if she could have said "about 6 minutes to go in the half, I think the V book might have put a score on the wrong side of the spine" or something like that, but you can't have everything...