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Old Tue Jan 19, 2010, 01:34pm
jdw3018 jdw3018 is offline
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Originally Posted by referee99 View Post
... you are not alone here. There is an entire officiating crew available to help. Your partner should have knowledge and the scorer will have a detailed account of whether it is the 1st or 2nd throw. Get it right.

Whenever I find myself concocting a brilliant plan on the court, I make it a point to bandy myself about the face and head for a few moments. Once the urge passes and I get down to using the resources I have available.

The clock is stopped. Take your time and get it right.
This is excellent advice. This is a situation where you should be at the table making sure the scorer records everything correctly...when getting ready to go back to administer the FTs, just ask the scorer, "Hey, I want to double check. We have a two shot foul to take care of here, we haven't shot any of them yet, have we?"

The whole thing was definitely a CF, and also shows one of the challenges of 2-man officiating. You needed to get with your partner, but that means you have to have that conversation while also watching the players. If you need to (not saying you did - I don't know how long your conversation actually took) send the players to their respective benches.

As for the rest of the post, it sounds like you got rattled but I doubt it was as bad as you seem to think. You gave the coach an opportunity to discuss plays throughout the night and he chose to disregard that offer. At that point he'd be on 'watch' with me. I'm not advocating looking for a chance to ring him, but his grace with me just shrunk considerably. That said, he probably needed to be whacked earlier. Good job taking care of business to start the second half.

The reach by your partner on the shot doesn't help things, but it will happen from time to time. Just move on. Not much else you can do until you can talk about it at half/after the game.
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