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Old Fri Dec 27, 2002, 06:32am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by Just another Ref

Which brings up the question: If you had a player who only had one leg, would it be possible for him to obtain legal guarding position?
Originally posted by Mark Dexter
First, the requirement to have "both" feet on the floor implies that you have two feet to place on the floor, which obviously can't happen in this case.
JustanotherRef's point is does the requirement to have "both" bottom marked lane-spaces occupied during a free throw imply that you have two defenders to place in those spots? I think the logical parallel is nice. I'm surprised that you would choose to reason one way for the first question and exactly the opposite for the other.
The reasoning that you give second involving the reasonable accomodations for disabled athletes supports your dichotomy much better.
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