Let me take a stab -
The first touching is canceled because there's going to be an accepted foul here somewhere. R got the ball with clean hands, so they can keep it as long as the penalty for the hold is enforced from the R35. K has no options in this case. If R does want to accept the penalty on K's foul, we would have offsetting and a rekick.
If there's a double foul on a change of possession play, the team in possession at the end of the down can keep the ball as long as their foul was not prior to the (last) change of possession (clean hands) and their penalty is marked off. The other team has no options. I know its somewhere in the case book.
Do I pass?
PS - I haven't missed a Sunday in about three years. I've done yutes every year and continue to do them. I let a lot more go in those games (kids can't line up right, wiggle around in their stance, turn upfield early when they're in motion etc.) and concentrate on saftey, learning and fairness. When I'm doing varsity games where people's jobs are lost, I let a lot less go and make sure I know what the enforcements are.
[Edited by ABoselli on Dec 25th, 2002 at 07:26 PM]