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Old Wed Jan 13, 2010, 02:30pm
TimTaylor TimTaylor is offline
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Originally Posted by Welpe View Post
Had a rather "interesting" play during the first quarter of a girl's freshman game yesterday.

I am working by myself for the first part of the game due to a scheduling SNAFU. Home team player is dribbling in her front court near the division line and is being closely guarded by a defender. Home team player picks up her dribble and looks for an open player to pass to. Defender is playing her close but doing so legally.

Finding no where to pass the ball and with my count up to "3", I watch the offensive player get an angry look on her face as she takes the ball from about her waist, brings it up and forcefully smacks the defender in the face with it. I have no doubt at all it was done intentionally.

I whistle the foul, have a quick debate with myself whether or not this was flagrant and decide to call it intentional. No argument from anyone and the fouled defensive player needs to have a sub come in to shoot her free throws.

I realize this is pretty much HTBT, but would anybody consider calling a flagrant foul in this situation? My justification for calling it intentional is that she used the ball to strike her opponent instead of say, her elbow. But she definitely did strike her opponent.

I agree it's a HTBT situation, but if as you describe it was clearly an intentional hit to the face with the ball I'd probably lean towards flagrant.
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