Nope. I agree completely.
(Here's where I'll probably show some ignorance. I've worked some three-man in HS playoffs in the past and I'm planning on attending a 3-man camp in the spring and will read up thoroughly on the mechanics before I do, but right now will just make an relatively uninformed observation.)
With players moving as fast as they do, I've always thought that old-time wisdom (the official to whom the play is heading is responsible) was flawed.
The C on this play has both angle AND distance (I'll stop before I sound like a baseball clinician) and I think the best position to make the call.
Even if the lead initiated a switch, I would think that the trail would have the best view of the entire play developing. Sometimes more distance is a good thing.
I had a play last week where a player drove the lane and plowed into a defender near the basket. Even working as deep as I could, I had a heckuva time getting both driver and defender into the same visual frame at the same time. While unconventional, there's no doubt in my mind that the trail would have a better view of the play -- well, excepting of course that the driver and the defender were both in my primary and neither ever left it.