Thread: Game Clock
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Old Tue Jan 12, 2010, 02:24pm
M&M Guy M&M Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
Ok, couple of questions regarding this case play - first, it specifically mentions the lenght of the extra period is incorrect. Does this mean it only applies to extra periods, and not the 1st - 4th quarters? I would think, logically, it applies to all periods, but then why does it only specifically mention the extra period?

Second, according to that case play, it appears if the clock is set for more than the required time, we will end up playing more than the total required time, but if the clock was set at under the required time, we will only play a total of the required time. Iow, if the clock was set at 5:00, when it should've been 4:00, and :45 runs off before it's noticed, we then set the clock to 4:00 and play on. (Which means the total time played would end up 4 minutes and 45 seconds.) Logically, I would think we take 4:00, subtract off the :45 played, and start from 3:15, using "definite information" principles.

But, if we started at 3:00 instead of 4:00, and :45 runs off, we would correct it to the correct time of 3:15, and the total time played would be only the 4 minutes.

I wonder why the disparity in the two situations?
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Last edited by M&M Guy; Tue Jan 12, 2010 at 02:27pm.
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