Thread: RefPay
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Old Mon Jan 11, 2010, 01:58pm
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Gotta love how its done here - school games are assigned by and our money comes from the local BOCES - a school co-op that centralizes things like vo-tech training, supply management, etc for the local districts. A while back they established an athletic office, which started out only as an assigning office, but as time went on, and more and more schools started getting slow on paying, took on the payments as well. The process works like this:

About four months prior to your season, you receive an availability sheet - once it was paper, but just this year, they switched to an email with a Word form. You return that to them, and then your receive your initial assignments in early March. After you get those, any turnbacks they get are assigned via email notices, which you approve online. The only time they call you, is in case immediate cancellations or openings. Your schedule is always available online, and you can turn back games up to two days prior to the scheduled game.

When a calendar month is over, the next business day your paysheet is available online, and you then print it, and either fax it or send back as an email attachment, or even snail mail...if you really want. Our general experience has been, if you email or fax it, you get your check in 15-20 business days.....depending how your paysheet hits their process.

The best thing about all of this, is of course, Is that there are ZERO assignor fees involved. The people in the office ae real nice, also - especially if you are a veteran who they know is flexible, and will take a change at the last minute! And these people are real good dealing with schools complaining and stuff, also - they assign pretty much solely based on level and availablility, and there VERY rarely problems with coaches. On the politics sides, of a 1-10, with 10 being totally corrupt and totally kowtowing to the schools, I would have to rate this organozation about a 3.

I will admit to some of you, the process seems a bit drawn out, but it is guaranteed, there is no monkey business with waiting for schools to pay (we do have a small Christian school that does not go thru the BOCES pay system, and boy is it a pain to get them to pay!), and it real nice to get a check that sometimes has 20 games worth of fees on it!
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