I've had a man FP-game a view years ago which was soooooooo slow
. I was BU that game and realy pi$$ed about how slow it went. Then the second game of the DH came up...
I first told both teams to speed it up. Then, when home-team pitcher was telling his outfield where to stand (don't laugh: it's the highest league it the Neth's), I called "Play Ball". Waited until I've caunted to 10 and then "That's a BALL!"
The next half inning when a batter wasn't ready (same slow home-team) "Batter-up!"...
..."Play Ball" ... ... "That's a STRIKE!"
Hell brake lose, I was to blame and the coach was excused. He got 12 games off! My scorer wrote down all what was thrown to my head by this person and oooh he wouldn't leave the field, kicked dirt and blamed me for 200 years of slavery
I do go along with Steve; sometimes we do have to stand up against this types.