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Old Wed Jan 06, 2010, 11:38am
NCASAUmp NCASAUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by HugoTafurst View Post
OK Geeks - Is any of this operated by sprint?
If not what do YOU say is the best Sprint available device for Arbiter, EMail, and dirty pictures) -(or not).

I have a 2 yr. old Sprint Palm which I don't like (too small screen).

I also have an ATT BB (from work) - it would be nice to sync the two phone books
Okay, to be clear on our terminology, there's the Droid, which is a specific phone made by Motorola and offered by Verizon.

Then there's Android, which is not a phone, but an operating system RUN by phones and made by Google. Different phones run the Android OS, such as the G1, the HTC Hero, and numerous others.

If you're a Sprint subscriber like I am, you have three major options: Palm Pre, HTC Hero or Blackberry.

Blackberry is currently the most prevalent smartphone for Sprint, but there aren't very many apps for them anymore. No one's developing. Plus, the browser kind of sucks.

The Palm Pre is gaining popularity, but is still seriously behind the iPhone in terms of development. However, my wife has one, and it works pretty well for her. We do not use Arbiter here, so I have no way to test it...

The HTC Hero is an Android OS-based phone. There's a LOT of buzz in the tech world about the Android, as it's the anti-Apple. It's more "open" to developers than Apple is. Apple currently requires any apps to get "approved" by Apple before you may install it onto the iPhone, which turns off a number of developers. Browsing should be (though I haven't thoroughly tested it) the best around, on par with the iPhone. Unlike the Blackberry and Palm Pre, it's an actual, tried-and-true browser. Engadget gave it its review here. Not a very positive review, but the review is geared more towards geeks.

When my phone comes up for renewal in April, I plan on getting the HTC Hero, unless there's another Android phone available for Sprint by that time.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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