Thread: Count it?
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Old Wed Jan 06, 2010, 10:16am
ref3808 ref3808 is offline
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Originally Posted by krampuppy View Post
Here is the call:

Player A is driving the lane and going in for a shot. Player B is guarding and fouls him with a push. The push causes Player A to take THREE steps and then he shoots and make the shot. Does the shot count?

In our game last night the ref counted the shot and I asked calmly for an explanation. I was told that 'in my estimation the push caused him to take an extra step so I counted the basket'. Isn't traveling always traveling no matter if you get pushed or not? Any explanation would be helpful.

The push causes player A to take three steps, and THEN he shoots and makes the shot. So he was driving the lane when fouled but had not started the shooting motion? Why count the shot?

If he was pushed hard enough maybe intentional foul as well? Was there any play on the ball?
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