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Old Wed Jan 06, 2010, 09:37am
BLS BLS is offline
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Posts: 27
End of Game Situation

Varsity Boys - Team A (home) down by two, 5 seconds remaining, 4th quarter. A1 misses a shot with around three seconds remaining, A2 gains control after a short scramble and requests timeout. I whistle and get my hand up, and immediately after the final horn sounds. Partners and I got together - none of us saw the clock quickly enough to see what time may have been left at the time of the whistle (it happened so fast, my guess would be no more than 0.3 seconds.). We break our huddle, indicate game is over, and get the he$$ off the court. (Obviously the losing home team, coach and fans appreciated our decision.)

Looking back, I think we got the call right - we had no definite knowledge to put time back on the clock (5-10).

I'm questioning whether it could have been managed better. Obviously I wish I would have immediately checked the clock when I got my hand up for the timeout. I'll learn from that one. Otherwise...

Would any of you have gone to the table to check with the scorer/timer? (I didn't think 5-10 provided that latitude.)

If the horn was that close to the whistle, would any of you have just indicated game over and gotten off the court (instead of conferring with partners)?
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