Player enters the court during the live ball
After a lenghty substitution involving multiple fouls, A5 thought she was out of the game, after the ball is put into play A5 runs onto the playing court. At one time, this was a technical foul, but in the current NFHS case book, since there wasn't an advantage, no technical should be called. I think the case book/rule is 10.2.3c, not sure, I don't have my current rule or case book in front of me. Can someone tell me when this rule was changed? I read it in the current case book where it states no technical should be called, and looking at a old 2004-2005 case book that a technical should be called. I was again, wondering when this changed. Thanks,
Last edited by JoeTheRef; Tue Jan 05, 2010 at 11:31am.