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Old Sun Jan 03, 2010, 12:43pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is online now
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Originally Posted by chseagle View Post
Yelling right in their ear as the play is happening, by standing right next to the table, instead of being within the coaches box.
While that's a problem (or two), I'm still at a loss to see how it prevented the shot clock operator from resetting the shot clock.

Also throughout the game, the coach was trying to tell the shot clock operator how to do things.
Also a problem. But, it leads to the possibility that the operator was not correctly performing his/her duties.

As I mentioned in the earlier post, the coach was yelling at the officials that the violation happened, even though it was her team who had the rebound off the air ball (Team control had switched) as the shot clock horn was sounding. The Shot Clock Operator was in the process of resetting the shot clock when this happened, in turn not allowing the shot clock operator to complete their duties.
I'm still confused. Which happened first -- the "rebound" or the "horn?" And, if the shot clock operator was "in the process" of resetting it, then a yell from the coach should not prevent the button from being pressed and released.
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