Please open your mind. I only said consequences. As far as we know it could be something as simple as double secret probation. But for sure there will be some discussion on the matter.
In most conferences, the assignors policy is that for any T foul called by the crew, the calling official is to inform the assignor directly within a certain time frame so that the assignor can have time to review it as necessary. They will discuss it and there will be a video review. The assignor will tell the official(s) personally as to what their opinion is. That will basically be it. However, if the SEC was responsible for providing the officials, lately they have taken to commenting in public on the actions of their officials.
I have a couple of friends that work a serious D1 schedule and have been told that things like this can affect league tournament placement, NIT, or NCAA tournament games.
Absolutely the big hitters get the benefit of the doubt, but no one is excused completely these days. Too many people want their pound of flesh.
Last edited by icallfouls; Sat Jan 02, 2010 at 06:41pm.