Originally Posted by bob jenkins
I'm a little confused -- it appears the foul on Cousins was a live-ball foul, so it couldn't (or shouldn't) have been a T.
They are allowed to use the monitor to determine if the contact was flagrant. I didn't (obviously) see the play, so I have no opinion on the specific call.
There may have been a held ball called immediately preceding the contact...by a hair. That would explain what they come up. Not being privy to their exact call, it's a guess on my part.
Re: the contact...straight judgment call whether the contact was flagrant or not. Imo it was( after several replays also). In their opinion, it wasn't. They win.

At least something did get called, even though it was retroactively.
Just your average ol' football forearm shiver...but to the head....and it sure looked deliberate to me.