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Old Thu Dec 31, 2009, 09:54pm
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Originally Posted by grunewar View Post
Litchfield, Ill. -- Two boys' basketball players, suspected of stealing cash and iPods from players from another school while sharing a locker room at a tournament site, were arrested for the crimes while their game was going on.
Something similar to this happened in the league I officiate for. I can't remember the teams or anything like that, but it was Girls JV/V team. As visitors, this one team stole sneakers and all sorts of other stuff from the school they were visiting. When the bus made it back to their school, cops were waiting. Turns out the janitor went into the locker room to clean up and noticed a lot of stuff was missing. He called the AD who came in and said that there should be sneakers and stuff. They called the other team's coach and they agreed to call the cops, not letting the girls know of their returning-home surprise. Every girl on the bus had to open up their bag and if they had even just one thing not of their belonging, they were arrested on the spot. The school canceled the rest of their season after that as well.

Now that I think of it, it wasn't a 2009 event, I think it was the 2007-08 season. But still, thought it was worth mentioning
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