Originally Posted by mutantducky
-off topic somewhat.
I had something a few days ago that I paused on. After a player made a good move and got fouled him and another teammate jumped up and did that bouce off each other you see football players do, Brett Favre for one  .
I didn't do anything but I suppose it could be something to watch and warn on. Didn't happen again. I'd rather not give a T for celebrating but it was out of line and only the first half.
I'll never understand such justifications.

It is as if people believe that officials should only penalize unsporting behavior at certain points in the game. Of course, that would be never if we adhered to all of the excuses.
1. The game had just started.
2. It was only the first foul.
3. We were still in the first half.
4. It was in the last two minutes.
5. It was a close game.
6. They were down by 30.
7. It happened right at the end of the game.
None of these should make any difference. Take care of business when needed. JMO, of course.