Thread: Lagal Uniform
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Old Wed Dec 30, 2009, 10:04pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by golfdesigner View Post
I am going to have to disagree with MByron, here is a quote directly from the NFHS Uniform guidelines:

1. Team names and/or abbreviations or team member’s names
may be placed on the front of the jersey.
2. Lettering must be placed horizontally and may be arched. Names may
also be on multiple lines.

3. The first and last letters, either above or below the number, must be on
the same horizontal plane. When above the number, the plane may not
be below a plane extending through the top of the number(s). When
below the number, the plane may not be above a plane extending
through the bottom of the number(s).
4. Any point on any letter shall not be closer than one inch to any point
on any number(s).
5. Any form of decorative accent (i.e., paw, halo, crown, star, etc.) in a
name or abbreviation is only permitted above the number.
6. If a tail is used in the lettering of an identifying name or abbreviation,
the name or abbreviation must be located below the number.
Correct. The uniforms are perfectly legal.
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