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Old Wed Dec 30, 2009, 09:43pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle View Post
I know we discussed this a year or two ago, but I can't recall what (if any) conclusion we came to.

A1 jumps to shoot, fumbles the ball, recovers the ball then lands. Is this a travel?
The most recent official written interp on this from the NFHS ruled the action a traveling violation.

SUPPLEMENT #1 (11/9/00)
SITUATION 1: A1 is an airborne shooter preparing to release the ball on a shot attempt. Instead of releasing the ball on the try, A1 fumbles the ball (while still in the air) and drops it. A1 then returns to the floor and secures possession of the ball. RULING: Traveling violation. While airborne the ball must be released for a try or pass. (4—43-3a; 94)

However, this ruling is from nine years ago and in the meantime the NCAA has published a ruling that the stated action is legal. Knowing how Mary Struckhoff tends to have the NFHS play rulings follow those of the NCAA with a couple of years of lag time, I wouldn't be surprised if the NFHS would reverse its previous ruling if it were to publish something in the present day.

A.R. 85. After ending a dribble, A1 leaves the playing court to attempt a
try for goal. While airborne, A1 fumbles the ball and:
(1) Recovers the fumble while airborne; or
(2) Recovers the fumble after returning to the floor. A1 dribbles
the ball. The official calls a violation. Is the official correct?
RULING: Yes. In (1) and (2) A1 is permitted to recover the ball
but after recovering the ball is not allowed to start another dribble.
However, if a fumble is touched by another player and then recovered
by A1, while airborne or after a return to the floor, A1 is allowed to
start another dribble. If A1 had not previously dribbled the ball, and
while airborne fumbled and recovered the ball (while airborne or after
a return to the floor), he/she is permitted to start a dribble.
(Rule 4-21.4.a, 4-31.2 and 9-7.1.c)
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