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Old Tue Dec 29, 2009, 12:47pm
SamIAm SamIAm is offline
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Originally Posted by Upward ref View Post
if i can get your jokers serious for just a minute ; 4.15.6 ; "during an interrupted dribble : d.)out of bounds violation does not apply on the player involved in the interrupted dribble. " i'm reading : A1 is dribbling when a.) he fumbles the ball and it goes out of bounds b.) it hits his foot and rolls out c.) hits/ touches a teammate and goes out of bounds . in a and b ,interrupted dribble , and no player control (4.15 .art 5 ) .I would normally think out of bounds on A1 , B's ball at p o i . but sec.d says no violation,sounds like it makes this an A.P. decision? in c.) out of bounds off A2 , B's ball at po i . ? what am i missing / misunderstanding ?
I like to let the experts take the more involved questions, but I am familiar with this one. It means if A1, during an interupted dribble, steps OOB, it is not an OOB violation.

If the ball itself goes OOB, it is an OOB violation on whomever the ball last touched.
- SamIAm (Senior Registered User) - (Concerning all judgement calls - they depend on age, ability, and severity)
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