Here are the questions from the 2009 NFHS Football Questionnaire:
1. Bands playing after the ready-for-play signal.
Not a problem
2. Inappropriate or excessive face painting.
not a problem
3. Number or location of bands being worn on the arms more than three inches from the base of the thumb.
4. Uniform pants and knee pads not covering the knees at the snap or free kick.
i think we should adopt the NCAA mechanic and do a pre-game walk through their warmups and give the coach a list of players who have uniform violations.
5. Inconsistent enforcement of the restricted area on sidelines.
very inconsistent
6. The number of players on either side of the kicker on a free kick.
...why would we care under current NFHS rules?
7. The questionable use of electronic equipment by teams during contests (i.e., coach communication from video location, Internet use in the press box, etc.).
Not a problem
8. Football helmet coming off during live play.
Not a problem
1. Double fouls when the ball is dead would offset as opposed to separate and in order.
I actually kinda like the NFHS way of doing it, oddly enough.
2. Changing the definition of a chop block to eliminate the requirement that the low block be delayed to be illegal.
3. Changing the definition of a chop block to only restrict the high/low combination (low/low would be legal).
yes, chop blocks should be any combination of high/low block simultaneous or not. low-low should be legal. i think the current rule is asinine and obviously made by people that never played defensive line. haha
4. Changing the kickoff to the 35-yard line.
NOOOO!!!! There are rarely any touchbacks. You also have to think of the JV games and youth games and how bad they would suffer from it.
5. Allowing corporate advertising to be on the field of play if in compliance with other Rule 1-2 restrictions.
got no problem with it.
6. Removing the restriction that football jerseys have to be tucked in if longer than the top of the pant.
Might as well... it's not like we enforce that strictly. I have things to worry about during a dead ball. I can't be fashion police.
7. Requiring a minimum number of players on either side of the kicker on a free kick.
I actually like the current rule of no restriction.
8. Further clarifying the use of electronic equipment during a contest.
9. Eliminating the five-yard face-mask foul.
Won't bother me if they do or don't.
10. Removing the penalty-marker colored restrictions on football gloves and pads.
I've yet to see one