Thread: Counting
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Old Sun Dec 27, 2009, 12:45pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by Johnny Ringo View Post
Thanks. Rough crowd here all of the time. Don't understand why everyone has to be such smart asses

Many of you are experts at what you do and if you did not know it, a lot of players, coaches and fans come to this site to read and learn.

They don't have rule books or official's manuals and most will never have or see anything like.
You have a rule book. You've posted here for three years. You stated, "We don't visibly count for a 3-second violation." Are we now to assume that you are a fan and not an official?

Since we've always assumed you were an official, I don't think anyone is being a smartass when they want to know why you've taken a very basic aspect of officiating and not looked it up in the rule book or mechanics manual.

Then, when you're given the rule and quote, you asked for it again. We assumed you are an official. Are we now to make another assumption about you based on having to give you the appropriate reference twice?
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