Originally Posted by bob jenkins
Not even close. You can have a "normal" (not "common") PF on an airborne shooter after the ball becomes dead. I gave you the reference before.
Billy, look at rule 4-19-1 and the note. It says
"a personal foul also includes contact by or ON an airborne shooter when the ball is DEAD". The NOTE says that
" Contact AFTER the ball has become DEAD is ignored UNLESS it is ruled intentional or flagrant OR is committed by or ON an airborne shooter."
Clear out the excess verbiage and that reads "Contact after the ball has become dead is ignored unless it is committed on an airborne shooter".
That's what both Bob and I have been trying to explain to you.
Ball dead---> contact on airborne shooter = a normal personal foul(of the shooting variety).
The period doesn't end until the play is over. The play is over when the airborne player lands. The period now ends after the fouled player shoots his FT's because the foul on the airborne player was considered part of the previous period.